Quinn W. Shagbark

Sleeping With Nunchucks $1.56 Sleeping With Nunchucks
Year: 2007
Track: 13
Bitrate: 154
I'll Shoot You Ace I Swear To God $1.32 I'll Shoot You Ace I Swear To God
Year: 2005
Track: 11
Bitrate: 172
More Shit from the Bogus Captain $1.20 More Shit from the Bogus Captain
Year: 2004
Track: 10
Bitrate: 192
Propane Summer $0.96 Propane Summer
Year: 2003
Track: 8
Bitrate: 192
Life in a Bucket $1.20 Life in a Bucket
Year: 2002
Track: 10
Bitrate: 199