Pete ''El Conde'' Rodriguez

El Alquimista/The Alchemist $1.20 El Alquimista/The Alchemist
Year: 2008
Track: 10
Bitrate: 199
Generaciones (Vinyl) $1.20 Generaciones (Vinyl)
Year: 1993
Track: 10
Bitrate: 320
El Rey (Vinyl) $0.96 El Rey (Vinyl)
Year: 1990
Track: 8
Bitrate: 256
Fiesta Con El Conde (Vinyl) $0.96 Fiesta Con El Conde (Vinyl)
Year: 1982
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
Soy La Ley (Vinyl) $0.96 Soy La Ley (Vinyl)
Year: 1979
Track: 8
Bitrate: 256
A Touch Of Class (Vinyl) $1.08 A Touch Of Class (Vinyl)
Year: 1977
Track: 9
Bitrate: 256
Este Negro Si Es Sabroso (Vinyl) $1.08 Este Negro Si Es Sabroso (Vinyl)
Year: 1976
Track: 9
Bitrate: 320
El Conde (Vinyl) $1.20 El Conde (Vinyl)
Year: 1974
Track: 10
Bitrate: 320

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