Masayoshi Takanaka

Can I Sing? (Vinyl) $1.20 Can I Sing? (Vinyl)
Year: 1983
Track: 10
Bitrate: 320
Can I Sing? $1.20 Can I Sing?
Year: 1983
Track: 10
Bitrate: 320
Ocean Breeze (Vinyl) $0.84 Ocean Breeze (Vinyl)
Year: 1982
Track: 7
Bitrate: 320
Saudade (Vinyl) $1.08 Saudade (Vinyl)
Year: 1982
Track: 9
Bitrate: 320
Saudade (Remastered 1995) $1.08 Saudade (Remastered 1995)
Year: 1982
Track: 9
Bitrate: 320
Alone (Vinyl) $0.96 Alone (Vinyl)
Year: 1981
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
The Rainbow Goblins (Remastered 1995) $1.68 The Rainbow Goblins (Remastered 1995)
Year: 1981
Track: 14
Bitrate: 320
T-Wave (Vinyl) $0.96 T-Wave (Vinyl)
Year: 1980
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
Finger Dancin' (Vinyl) $0.48 Finger Dancin' (Vinyl)
Year: 1980
Track: 4
Bitrate: 320
Jolly Jive (Vinyl) $0.96 Jolly Jive (Vinyl)
Year: 1979
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
All Of Me (Vinyl) $1.68 All Of Me (Vinyl)
Year: 1979
Track: 14
Bitrate: 320
On Guitar (Vinyl) $0.96 On Guitar (Vinyl)
Year: 1978
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
Brasilian Skies (Vinyl) $0.96 Brasilian Skies (Vinyl)
Year: 1978
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
An Insatiable High (Vinyl) $0.84 An Insatiable High (Vinyl)
Year: 1977
Track: 7
Bitrate: 320
Takanaka (Vinyl) $0.96 Takanaka (Vinyl)
Year: 1977
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320
Seychelles (Vinyl) $0.96 Seychelles (Vinyl)
Year: 1976
Track: 8
Bitrate: 320

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